Saturday, August 10, 2013

How long have you been natural?

This picture above is the day I BC'd, which was September 22, 2012. For those who don't know what BC'd stands for it is Big Chopped which simply means cutting all the relaxed ends out of your hair. My last relaxer was April 7, 2012 and I decided to transition without heat on May 12, 2012 so my transitioning phase lasted a little over 5 months from last relaxer to BC. Some people are long term transitioners and others are short term transitioners like myself. I just couldn't take the straight ends for longer than 5 months so I BC'd earlier than I originally wanted too.

Thinking back to September 22, 2012, I remember it as plain as day. I came home after a long morning in the dentist office with one of my twin boys and I started playing in my hair, which was nothing unusual... that's what I did most of the time in my free time.That morning I started out with a cute twist out from bantu knots but by the time I got home my hair was a hot mess so as I began trying to style it, all of a sudden something came over me and I picked up my scissors and started snipping my hair until I cut all the visible straight ends. After I literally butchered my hair I immediately called my cousin, who had been natural for a few months and my biggest influence in my transitioning days, to check out my hair and help fix what I messed up. She and her mother came to saved me, cutting the remaining straight ends I missed. After they left I immediately hopped in the shower and co-washed my hair with  Aussie Moist Conditioner, one of my favorite conditioners, lightly dried it with an old t-shirt and added coconut oil, my staple carrier oil, to seal in the moisture. From that point I have been in love with my hair.

 Has my journey been everything I wanted it to be? No way but even on my worse days I've learned how to embrace my textures. Yes, I say textures. One of my main reasons for BC'ing so quickly was to eliminate the different textures but what I failed to know is even our natural hair can have different textures and there's no way to get around them so even though I'm nearing my one year Naturalversary I still have days where my hair doesn't want to do what I want it to do but on the flip side to that, my hair can be manipulated a whole lot easier with my natural textures than with relaxed ends. I can honestly say I've never have had a bad hair day. Some days twist outs are not the best but there's always ways around a bad twist out to make your hair look super cute! :-)