Friday, September 13, 2013

Month 9....

The picture up above is me on the day that marked my 9th month into my natural journey. In this month I started exploring the CurlBox. I had heard so much about it and was really, really anxious to get my hands on it. I had been on the email list for the upcoming subscription box for months but seemed to never be available on the date and time the subscription boxes came open. One weekend I got the alert on my phone that the subscription box was available and I got my first subscription box in June. I was so relieved and eager to try out the products in the box.

Watch my Youtube video below to see the products for the June CurlBox.

My 9th month was all about me experimenting with different products. Up until this point I had used all the same products for my hair, simply because I knew what worked for my hair and I didn't want to take a chance and mess up the growth of my hair due to product change. This may sound silly to some of you all reading this but I literally swore by my regimen and products because they hadn't let me down and they kept Nunu growing well so I didn't want to disturb the life of my hair by adding new products that didn't work for my hair. Because I wore so many protective styles in month 8 I decided in month 9 to wear my hair more loosely in a puff or fro, whatever I was feeling at the moment. I really missed my hair. Below are two of the styles I wore mostly during this month. A puff or in it's natural state as a fro.

check out my Instagram to see more of my pictures:


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